The maximum sum value of ranges — Ultimate version – Codewars

Have you solved the simple version and the challenge version? Now, the ultimate version is coming :]. The difference between this version and the challenge version is:

the element of range from [start,end] into [start,end,num] 

That is, before we calculate the sum value, we need to replace the element with num at the start index.


Given an array arr that contains some integers(positive, negative or 0), and a range list such as [[start1,end1,num1],[start2,end2,num2],...], start and end are the index of arr and start always less than end. Your task is replace the value of arr[start] with num, and then calculte the sum value of each range (start index and end index are both inclusive), and return the maximum sum value.

For example:

Given arr = [1,-2,3,4,-5,-4,3,2,1], 
      range = [[1,3,5],[0,4,2],[6,8,1]]
should return 12

calculte process:
step 1:
replace arr[1] with 5
then arr = [1,5,3,4,-5,-4,3,2,1]
range[1,3] = arr[1]+arr[2]+arr[3] = 5 + 3 + 4 = 12

step 2:
replace arr[0] with 2
then arr = [2,5,3,4,-5,-4,3,2,1]
range[0,4] = arr[0]+arr[1]+arr[2]+arr[3]+arr[4]
           = 2 + 5 + 3 + 4 + -5 = 9
step 3:
replace arr[6] with 1
then arr = [2,5,3,4,-5,-4,1,2,1]
range[6,8] = arr[6]+arr[7]+arr[8] = 1 + 2 + 1 = 4

So the maximum sum value is 12


  • arr always has at least 5 elements;
  • range always has at least 1 elements;
  • The replacement operation is carried out step by step, according to the order of range. The replacement operations will affect the results of the calculations, please be careful 😉
  • All inputs are valid;
  • This is a ultimate version, Please optimize your algorithm to avoid time out 😉
  • If you feel difficult, please try the simple version or try the challenge version.

About testcases

  • Basic test: 3 testcases
  • Random test1: 100 testcases
    • each arr : 5-100 elements
    • each range : 1-6 elements
  • Random test2: 100 testcases
    • each arr : 100000 elements
    • each range : 10000 elements

Some Examples

maxSum([1,-2,3,4,-5,-4,3,2,1],[[1,3,5],[0,4,2],[6,8,1]]) === 12
maxSum([1,-2,3,4,-5,-4,3,2,1],[[1,3,10]]) === 17
maxSum([1,-2,3,4,-5,-4,3,2,1],[[1,4,6],[2,5,4]]) === 8

Brute Force

procedure maxSum(arr, range) // range is multidimensional array
1. set sum to -Infinity 
2. for i equals 0 to range.length
   A. set r to range[i]
   B. arr[r[0]] = r[2]
   C. set temp to 0
   D. for j equlas 0 to arr.slice(r[0], r[1] + 1) // start, end
      I. temp += arr[j]
   E. if temp > sum then sum = temp
3. return sum

The runtime complexity of this algorithm is quadraticO(ra), where r is the array of ranges and a is the array.

By implementing fenwick tree we can improve the runtime of this algorithm to run at O(Rlog A[start], A[end]:A), in which the upper bound is much closer to linear time – O(Rlog A[start], A[end]:A) = O(log n + n) = O(n).

Using Binary Indexed Tree

procedure maxSum(arr, range)
1. set tree to arr
2. for i equals 0 to arr.length // the upper bound O(n)
   A. set j to bit representation of i
   B. if j < arr.length then tree[j] += tree[i];
3. set max to -Infinity
4. for each start, end, num in range // O(n)
   A. set i to start, v to num - arr[start], n to arr.length, sum to 0
   B. while i < n // O(log n)
      I. tree[i] += v
      II. assign to i itself + 1 binary representtional value
   C. i = end
   D. while i >= start && i <= end // O(log n)
      I. sum += tree[i]
      II. i equals i and i+1 binary representation 
      III. i--
   E. if sum > max then max = sum
5. return max

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